Friday, March 27, 2009

You Spin Me Right Round...

New t-shirt for Woot! Oldie but a goodie...its about time this DJ showed up on a tee!

Vote Here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Cat's Pajamas!

A second entry for the Art Deco at Woot!

Title The Cat's Pajamas

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Bee's Knees!

This week's Woot theme is Art Deco! I was thrilled by this. My design is inspired by the great Graphic Designer and Fashion Designer Erté. I'm pleased to see that this design is accumulating more votes than my previous entries! However, I made a small error and chose to resubmit my design and people continue to vote for BOTH cumulatively I have a bunch of votes, but there is no way to tell what the true vote count is. Oh well...there is always next week and you can bet I'll be there!

CLICK this image to VOTE!

Title: The Bee's Knee's

Sunday, March 15, 2009

(Not So) Sweet Nothings...

This weeks derby entry. Inspired by The Dog Whisperer.
My logic?
Whispers aren't always so nice...thus a dictator doggie hypnotizes zombified kitties to march into...the wild blue yonder? I guess I'm weird.

Check it out on woot, HERE

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ahoy Matey!

I'm gearing up to enter the Derby at Woot.Com. I finished this weeks entry too late to enter (bummer). The topic was "the sea". Oh well...she's a foxy tattoo inspired gal never the less.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Walking into Spider Webs...

Ok. Apparently 12pm Eastern = 9am Pacific time.
I didn't know this. This design to never made it to Woot.
It was more of an after thought. Darn.